Nairobi Half Life
David 'Tosh' GitongaSchauspieler:
Joseph Wairimu, Olwenya Maina, Nancy Wanjiku Karanja, Mugambi Nthiga, Paul Ogola, Antony Ndung'u, Johnson Gitau Chege, Kamau Wa Ndung'u, Abubakar Mwenda, Mburu Kimani, Mehul Savani, Maina Joseph, Isaac Kiarie, Peterson Gathambo, Ainea OjiamboDer junge Dorfbewohner Mwas träumt davon, als Theaterschauspieler in Nairobi Karriere zu machen. Doch bereits kurz nach seiner Ankunft in der Hauptstadt wird er ausgeraubt und landet dann auch noch im Knast für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hat. Im Gefängnis lernt er den Bandenführer Oti kennen, der ihn unter seine Fittiche nimmt. Trotz seiner neuen Laufbahn als Verbrecher hält Mwas an seinem ursprünglichen Traum fest. Schon bald kann er eine kleine Rolle in einem Theaterstück ergattern.
Die Abenteuer eines jungen Schauspielers vom Land, der sein Glück in Kenias Hauptstadt Nairobi sucht und dort auf schiefe Bahnen gerät.
Mwas, a young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming an accomplished actor one day, and in pursuit of this, he makes his way to Nairobi, the city of opportunity. He quickly understands why Nairobi is nicknamed Nairrobery as he is bereaved of all his money and belongings and left alone in a city where he doesn’t know a soul. Luck or the lack of it brings Mwas face to face with the city’s criminals and forms a friendship with a small time crook who takes him in. He is quickly drawn into a world of crime as he struggles to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Keeping the two worlds separate proves to be a challenge for Mwas as he steps into this unknown world called Nairobi.
Mwas, a young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming an accomplished actor one day, and in pursuit of this, he makes his way to Nairobi, the city of opportunity. He quickly understands why Nairobi is nicknamed Nairrobery as he is bereaved of all his money and belongings and left alone in a city where he doesn’t know a soul. Luck or the lack of it brings Mwas face to face with the city’s criminals and forms a friendship with a small time crook who takes him in. He is quickly drawn into a world of crime as he struggles to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Keeping the two worlds separate proves to be a challenge for Mwas as he steps into this unknown world called Nairobi.