Howard Hawks, Richard RossonSchauspieler:
Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, Karen Morley, Osgood Perkins, C. Henry Gordon, George Raft, Vince Barnett, Boris Karloff, Purnell Pratt, Tully Marshall, Inez Palange, Edwin Maxwell, Henry Armetta, Gus Arnheim, Eugenie Besserer, William B. DavidsonTony Camonte (Paul Muni), ein kleiner Gangster mit einer langen Narbe im Gesicht, hat sich bei Big Louis Costello als Leibwächter verdingt. Das hindert ihn nicht, sich von dessen Konkurrenten Johnny Lovo kaufen zu lassen und seinen Boß umzubringen, als Lovo das große Geschäft mit illegalem Alkohol an sich reißen will. Camonte terrorisiert in einem mörderischen Bandenkrieg die ganze Stadt, bringt schließlich auch Lovo um und übernimmt dessen Freundin Poppy. Er hat nun alles, was er will: Geld, Frauen und Macht. Bis ihm die Liebe zu seiner Schwester zum Verhängnis wird...
Big Louis Costillo, last of the old-style gang leaders is slain, and his former bodyguard Tony Camonte is taken into custody. Since Costillo's body has never been found, the police have to release him, though they strongly suspect Johnny Lovo paid Tony to remove Big Louis. Tony begins taking over the rackets in town with violent enforcement, and he becomes a threat to Johnny and the other bosses unless they work for Tony. Meanwhile, Tony's sister wants to be more independent, but finds it difficult to escape from her brother's overprotective grasp. The dissatisfaction of the other bosses and the relentless pursuit of the police push Tony towards a major confrontation.
Big Louis Costillo, last of the old-style gang leaders is slain, and his former bodyguard Tony Camonte is taken into custody. Since Costillo's body has never been found, the police have to release him, though they strongly suspect Johnny Lovo paid Tony to remove Big Louis. Tony begins taking over the rackets in town with violent enforcement, and he becomes a threat to Johnny and the other bosses unless they work for Tony. Meanwhile, Tony's sister wants to be more independent, but finds it difficult to escape from her brother's overprotective grasp. The dissatisfaction of the other bosses and the relentless pursuit of the police push Tony towards a major confrontation.