Pablo LarraínSchauspieler:
Gael García Bernal, Luis Gnecco, Mercedes Morán, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, Diego Muñoz, Alejandro Goic, Pablo Derqui, Marcelo Alonso, Michael Silva, Francisco Reyes, Jaime Vadell, Néstor Cantillana, Alfredo Castro, Marcial Tagle, Amparo Noguera, Cristián Campos1948 bezichtigt der chilenische Senator Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco), seines Zeichens berühmter Dichter und Kommunist, die Regierung von Präsident Videla (Alfredo Castro) des Verrats. Die Retourkutsche folgt sofort in Form von Nerudas Amtsenthebung, seiner Verhaftung kann er nur durch Flucht entgehen. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Delia del Carril (Mercedes Morán) versucht er, das Land unbemerkt zu verlassen. Doch der Polizist Peluchoneau (Gael García Bernal) ist ihnen bereits hartnäckig auf den Fersen, wodurch ein Katz-und-Maus-Spiel beginnt, dem Neruda einen gewissen Reiz abgewinnen kann. Immer wieder führt er seinen Verfolger mit falschen Spuren in die Irre und schon bald verbreitet sich seine Geschichte in die ganze Welt – selbst Künstler wie Pablo Picasso setzen sich für seine Freiheit ein. In der beeindruckenden Bergwelt Chiles macht sich Neruda dann für das endgültige Ende seines Duells mit Peluchoneau bereit.
Biopic über den kommunistischen Dichter Pablo Neruda, der von der faschistischen Polizei in Chile verfolgt wird.
It’s 1948 and the Cold War has arrived in Chile. In the Congress, prominent Communist Senator and popular poet Pablo Neruda accuses the government of betraying the Party and is stripped of his parliamentary immunity by President González Videla. The Chief of Investigative Police instructs inspector Óscar Peluchonneau (played by Gael García Bernal), to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to escape from the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril, but they are forced to go underground. Inspired by the dramatic events of his new life as a fugitive, Neruda continues to write his epic Canto General, while being pursued ever more hotly by the forces of fascism.
It’s 1948 and the Cold War has arrived in Chile. In the Congress, prominent Communist Senator and popular poet Pablo Neruda accuses the government of betraying the Party and is stripped of his parliamentary immunity by President González Videla. The Chief of Investigative Police instructs inspector Óscar Peluchonneau (played by Gael García Bernal), to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to escape from the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril, but they are forced to go underground. Inspired by the dramatic events of his new life as a fugitive, Neruda continues to write his epic Canto General, while being pursued ever more hotly by the forces of fascism.