Nessie - Das Geheimnis von Loch Ness
John HendersonSchauspieler:
Ted Danson, Joely Richardson, Ian Holm, Kirsty Graham, James Frain, Keith Allen, Nick Brimble, Wolf Kahler, John Dair, Philip O'Brien, Debora Weston, Roger Sloman, Julian Curry, Brian Pettifer, John Savident, Richard VernonDer US-Wissenschaftler Jonathan Dempsey erhält den Auftrag, nach Loch Ness zu reisen, wo er die Existenz des sagenumwobenen Seemonsters widerlegen soll. In der schottischen Idylle angekommen, stößt der Yankee mit seinen Computern bei den Bewohnern auf Ablehnung. Doch schon bald kann Dempsey das Herz der kleinen Isabel und auch das ihrer Mutter, der hübschen Pub-Besitzerin Laura, gewinnen. Isabel ist es letztlich auch, die ihrem großen Freund das Versteck von Nessie verraten wird.
Der britischen TV-Regisseur und Werbefilmer John Henderson lüftet das Geheimnis um die Jahrtausende alte Legende vom schottischen Seeungeheuer. Dabei verzichtet Henderson auf aufwendige Spezialeffekte und erzählt vielmehr in ruhigen Bildern eine sympathische Liebesgeschichte.
Dr. Dempsey is an American scientist who has become a skeptic. He isn't enthusiastic to be sent by his employer to Scotland to (dis)prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster. He finds the locals stubborn, 'primitive' and all but hospitable, not in the least because the Nessie legend is the only tourist attraction. He still gets romantically attracted by his independent inn-keeper Laura, and both her kid and his local assistant end up making him face a small family of Nessie-dinosaurs, but is this to be made public?
Dr. Dempsey is an American scientist who has become a skeptic. He isn't enthusiastic to be sent by his employer to Scotland to (dis)prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster. He finds the locals stubborn, 'primitive' and all but hospitable, not in the least because the Nessie legend is the only tourist attraction. He still gets romantically attracted by his independent inn-keeper Laura, and both her kid and his local assistant end up making him face a small family of Nessie-dinosaurs, but is this to be made public?