Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt
Rosa von PraunheimSchauspieler:
Norbert Losch, Berryt Bohlen, Bernd Feuerhelm, Ernst KuchlingNach einer enttäuschten eheähnlichen Lebensgemeinschaft mit Clemens und einer ebenso enttäuschten Freundschaft mit einem älteren Mann wird aus Daniel ein Homosexueller, wie er nie einer sein wollte: genau wie die anderen Schwulen beginnt auch er, schnell seine Partner zu wechseln. Hierbei versucht er immer noch, seine Ideale zu vertreten und die Homosexuellen seines Bekanntenkreises politisch zu motivieren, damit sie in der Öffentlichkeit für ihre Homosexualität einstehen und dafür kämpfen, gleichberechtigt behandelt zu werden.
Daniel, a young man from the provinces come to the city and moves from one gay subculture to the next. His adventures begin on the streets of Berlin, where the shy brunette Daniel meets the blonde Clemens, who invites him home for coffee and offers him a place to stay. Soon Daniel is living with Clemens and believes he has found the love of his life. The two try to imitate a bourgeois marriage and its lifestyle. But after four months of tedium, Daniel is cruised by a rich older man who entices him to move into his villa, where he encounters a group of older gays, pretentious in their appreciations of fine art and classical music, who fawn over him.
Daniel, a young man from the provinces come to the city and moves from one gay subculture to the next. His adventures begin on the streets of Berlin, where the shy brunette Daniel meets the blonde Clemens, who invites him home for coffee and offers him a place to stay. Soon Daniel is living with Clemens and believes he has found the love of his life. The two try to imitate a bourgeois marriage and its lifestyle. But after four months of tedium, Daniel is cruised by a rich older man who entices him to move into his villa, where he encounters a group of older gays, pretentious in their appreciations of fine art and classical music, who fawn over him.