Nick Carter schlägt alles zusammen
Henri DecoinSchauspieler:
Eddie Constantine, Daphné Dayle, Paul Frankeur, Jean-Paul Moulinot, Margo Lion, Charles Belmont, Barbara Sommers, Valéry Inkijinoff, Mitsouko, Maurice RousselinIm goldenen Sonnenlicht der Riveria fallen namhafte Wissenschaftler finsteren Machenschaften zum Opfer. Nick Carter soll das Morden stoppen. Kein Freund langer Umwege setzt er die raffinierten Gangster mit einfachen Mitteln matt: harte Fäuste, stahlblauer 38er. Und weil die hübsche Nichte seines Auftraggebers ein kratzbürstiges Biest ist, kann Nick auch seinen Charme auf die Probe stellen.
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.