Nicks Film - Lightning Over Water
Nicholas Ray, Wim WendersSchauspieler:
Wim Wenders, Nicholas RayHalbdokumentarischer Spielfilm. Wim Wenders, der Regisseur Nicholas Ray ("...denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun") in "Der amerikanische Freund" als Darsteller besetzt hatte, filmt das lange Sterben seines zum Freund gewordenen 68-jährigen Kollegen. Wenders besucht Nick in dessen New Yorker Apartment, lässt ihn an der Filmarbeit zum in dieser Zeit vorbereiteten Detektivfilm "Hammett" teilnehmen. Ray kommentiert, gibt Regieanweisungen ("Cut! Don't cut!"). Im Schlussbild fährt eine rote Dschunke mit seiner Urne aufs Meer hinaus.
Director 'Nicholas Ray' is eager to complete a final film before his imminent death from cancer. Wim Wenders is working on his own film Hammett (1983) in Hollywood, but flies to New York to help Ray realize his final wish. Ray's original intent is to make a fiction film about a dying painter who sails to China to find a cure for his disease. He and Wenders discuss this idea, but it is obviously unrealistic given Ray's state of health.
Director 'Nicholas Ray' is eager to complete a final film before his imminent death from cancer. Wim Wenders is working on his own film Hammett (1983) in Hollywood, but flies to New York to help Ray realize his final wish. Ray's original intent is to make a fiction film about a dying painter who sails to China to find a cure for his disease. He and Wenders discuss this idea, but it is obviously unrealistic given Ray's state of health.