Nightmare at Horror Castle
Ben SamuelsSchauspieler:
Robert Englund, Stuart Stone, Daniel Gadi, Bingo O'Malley, Diane Cary, Justine Griffiths, Alanna Janell, Sean Derry, Joshua Elijah Reese, Neil Samuels, Cindy JacksonDer frühere Horrorfilmstar John hat schon bessere Zeiten gesehen, als er frisch nach einer Entziehungskur mit fünf anderen Schauspielern in die Provinz von Neuengland reist, um dort in der Klausur eines ausladenden Herrenhauses ein Bühnenstück einzuüben, das noch keiner von ihnen bisher gelesen hat. Die Story entpuppt sich als morbide Gothic-Horror-Romanze, und unter der Fuchtel des geheimnisvollen jungen Regisseurs identifizieren sich die Darsteller bald mehr mit ihren Rollen, als gesund für sie ist.
Ein verzwicktes kleines Gothik-Schauermärchen erzählt zwei Geschichten in einer, wenn die Grenzen verschwimmen zwischen Ensembleprobenrealität und der Fiktion, die man nachzustellen gedenkt.
A group of actors gather in a remote Northeastern town to rehearse for a mysterious stage production, only to be plunged into a hellish world where their real lives mirror the grisly story of the play. John (ROBERT ENGLUND), a notorious horror movie icon, who has fallen from grace, witnesses the murder of a cast member but when he alerts the group, no one believes him, and the harder he pushes to persuade them, the more unstable he appears. As John struggles to retain his sanity, a cat and mouse game ensues between him and the mysterious director, Nicholas. As the theatre games continue and the actors slip further into their roles, the body count rises.
A group of actors gather in a remote Northeastern town to rehearse for a mysterious stage production, only to be plunged into a hellish world where their real lives mirror the grisly story of the play. John (ROBERT ENGLUND), a notorious horror movie icon, who has fallen from grace, witnesses the murder of a cast member but when he alerts the group, no one believes him, and the harder he pushes to persuade them, the more unstable he appears. As John struggles to retain his sanity, a cat and mouse game ensues between him and the mysterious director, Nicholas. As the theatre games continue and the actors slip further into their roles, the body count rises.