Ninja Hunter
James Wu Kuo-RenSchauspieler:
Alexander Lo Rei , Mark Lung, Jack Lung, William Yen, Chen Shan, Chung Ling, Ma Cheung, Cho Boon-Feng, Chang Chi-Ping, Ricky Cheng Tien-ChiDer skrupellose Master of Wu Dong holt sich die brutalste Kampftruppe nach China: Die Ninja-Hunter! Sie sollen den mächtigen Shieu Lin und seine Mönche beseitigen.
Ihr Preis: Freie Hand für eine Gewaltherrschaft! Die Ninja-Hunter verstehen ihr Handwerk. Sie überfallen Shieu Lin und seine Mönche, dabei töten sie "fast" alle. Wenige, darunter der Mönch Hung Hai Kun, können in die Berge fliehen, verfolgt von den Ninja-Huntern.
Hung Hai Kun gibt seinen Hass und seine Rache an seinen Sohn weiter. Er lehrt ihn die verheerende Kampfkunst seines Meisters mit nur einem Ziel: Rache an den Ninja-Huntern...
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he teams up with a clan of Ninjas, led by three masters – gold lamé ninja, white mustachioed ninja and black ninja – and succeeds in destroying the Shaolin temple and most of its inhabitants. However, there are some survivors. It is their job to pass on the knowledge of the Shaolin finger jab to a new generation, who must defeat the ninjas and Abbott White if peace and order is to be restored.
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he teams up with a clan of Ninjas, led by three masters – gold lamé ninja, white mustachioed ninja and black ninja – and succeeds in destroying the Shaolin temple and most of its inhabitants. However, there are some survivors. It is their job to pass on the knowledge of the Shaolin finger jab to a new generation, who must defeat the ninjas and Abbott White if peace and order is to be restored.