No Game No Life: Zero
Atsuko IshizukaSchauspieler:
Youko Hikasa, Yuka Iguchi, Ai Kayano, Rie Kugimiya, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Mamiko Noto, Miyuki Sawashiro, Yukari TamuraViele Jahrtausend vor der Ankunft von Sora und Shiro wird Disboard von einem gewaltigen Krieg erschüttert. Der Untergang der Menschheit scheint bevorzustehen, das Land wird verwüstet und sogar Himmel und Sterne zerstört, als ein junger Mann namens Riku (Stimme im Original: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) auftaucht und die Menschheit in eine rettende Zukunft führt. Im Zuge seiner Abenteuer trifft er schließlich auch auf die Androidin Shuvi (Ai Kayano) und bringt ihr bei, was es bedeutet, ein Mensch zu sein.
Six thousand years before Sora and Shiro were even a blink in the history of Disboard, war consumed the land, tearing apart the heavens, destroying stars, and even threatening to wipe out the human race. Amid the chaos and destruction, a young man named Riku leads humanity toward the tomorrow his heart believed in. One day, in the ruins of an Elf city, he meets Shuvi, a female exiled "Ex-machina" android who asks him to teach her what it means to have a human heart.
Six thousand years before Sora and Shiro were even a blink in the history of Disboard, war consumed the land, tearing apart the heavens, destroying stars, and even threatening to wipe out the human race. Amid the chaos and destruction, a young man named Riku leads humanity toward the tomorrow his heart believed in. One day, in the ruins of an Elf city, he meets Shuvi, a female exiled "Ex-machina" android who asks him to teach her what it means to have a human heart.