No Way Back - Tödliche Vergangenheit
James EavesSchauspieler:
Corrinne Wicks, Colin Baker, Samuel ClemensNach dem tragischen Tod ihres Sohnes verliert Arlene alles: ihren Ehemann, ihr Zuhause und zunehmend auch ihren Verstand. Als sie von einem mysteriösen Institut die Chance bekommt, in der Zeit zurückzureisen und die Vergangenheit zu ändern, lässt sie sich auf das gewagte Abenteuer ein. Aber Arlene kennt nicht den hohen Preis, den sie dafür zahlen muss.
After the tragic death of her son, Arlene loses everything, her husband, her home and she starts to lose her mind. When the mysterious Endeavour Institute offers her a chance to travel back and change things, she eagerly accepts and begins her journey to the past. Plagued by the memories of her alternate reality, Arlene must separate the real from the false without upsetting the delicate balance. She is unprepared for the terrible price she must pay for saving her son.
After the tragic death of her son, Arlene loses everything, her husband, her home and she starts to lose her mind. When the mysterious Endeavour Institute offers her a chance to travel back and change things, she eagerly accepts and begins her journey to the past. Plagued by the memories of her alternate reality, Arlene must separate the real from the false without upsetting the delicate balance. She is unprepared for the terrible price she must pay for saving her son.