Nothing in Common - Sie haben nichts gemein
Garry MarshallSchauspieler:
Tom Hanks, Sela Ward, Eva Marie Saint, Hector Elizondo, Barry Corbin, John Kapelos, Anthony Starke, Jackie Gleason, Bess Armstrong, Cindy Harrell, Carol Messing, Bill Applebaum, Mona Lyden, Julio Alonso, Jane MorrisDer Werbemanager David Basner genießt als junger, dynamischer, ungebundener und soeben zum Creative Director der Firma beförderter Yuppie das Leben in vollen Zügen. Eines Tages meldet sich sein Vater Max, der nach 34 Jahren von seiner Frau verlassen wurde: "Ich weiß, du magst mich nicht. Aber du musst mir helfen." David will sich nicht um den Vater kümmern, es bleibt ihm nichts anderes übrig. Der sture Max geht David auf die Nerven, bringt sein Leben aus den Fugen. Als Max auf den Tod erkrankt, ist David gezwungen, sein Leben zu überdenken.
Vater-Sohn-Konflikt als nachdenkliche Komödie über Familie, Karriere und soziale Bindungen. In den Hauptrollen perfekt gespielt von Tom Hanks, der nach "Splash" auf dem Weg zum Superstar reifte, und von Komiker Jack Gleason in seiner letzten Filmrolle.
David Basner is a successful advertising executive who has it all: Money, happiness, and women who want him. Then one day his world falls apart when his mother leaves his father. Now, he must balance his life between his mother, who is happy with her newfound independence, and his father, a recently laid off salesman who is hard-headed, stubborn, and hides a lot from David. Now David must cope with the downfall of his family and his life.
David Basner is a successful advertising executive who has it all: Money, happiness, and women who want him. Then one day his world falls apart when his mother leaves his father. Now, he must balance his life between his mother, who is happy with her newfound independence, and his father, a recently laid off salesman who is hard-headed, stubborn, and hides a lot from David. Now David must cope with the downfall of his family and his life.