Nurejew - The White Crow
Ralph FiennesSchauspieler:
Ralph Fiennes, Louis Hofmann, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Olivier Rabourdin, Raphaël Personnaz, Chulpan Khamatova, Mar Sodupe, Jonathan Zaccaï, Milutin Milosevic, Emmanuelle Bougerol, Oleg Ivenko, Sergei Polunin, Zach Avery, Calypso Valois, Aleksey Morozov, Nebojsa DugalicDer berühmte russische Balletttänzer Rudolf Nurejew wird in den 1950er Jahren zum Star. Da er das Leben in der Sowjetunion nicht länger ertragen kann, plant er seine Flucht in den Westen.
Director Ralph Fiennes captures the raw physicality and brilliance of Rudolf Nureyev, whose escape to the West stunned the world at the height of the Cold War. With his magnetic presence, Nureyev emerged as ballet’s most famous star, a wild and beautiful dancer limited by the world of 1950s Leningrad. His flirtation with Western artists and ideas led him into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with the KGB.
Director Ralph Fiennes captures the raw physicality and brilliance of Rudolf Nureyev, whose escape to the West stunned the world at the height of the Cold War. With his magnetic presence, Nureyev emerged as ballet’s most famous star, a wild and beautiful dancer limited by the world of 1950s Leningrad. His flirtation with Western artists and ideas led him into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with the KGB.