On Bloody Sunday
Christian SesmaSchauspieler:
Danny Trejo, Yousef Abu-Taleb, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Annemarie Pazmino, Mike Hatton, Kim Argetsinger, Nestor Rodriguez, Ryan Bragg, Eric La Barr, Ken Davitian, Joey Medina, Ben Hensley, Grayson Berry, Athena Sesma, Lorn BlahIn der idyllischen Vorstadt Spring Valley wütet ein geheimnisvoller Serienkiller mit pseudoreligiöser Agenda und hinterlässt seine blutigen Spuren bevorzugt auf alternativen Party-Events, wo sich die seiner Meinung nach unmoralische Jugend hemmungslos in Drogenkonsum und sexuellen Ausschweifungen ergeht. Hochschülerin Isabel und ihr platonischer Boyfriend Zeek stellen sehr zum Ärger der echten Polizei Nachforschungen im Internet an und kommen dem Phantom näher, als ihrer Sicherheit und Gesundheit zuträglich ist.
Konventioneller Low-Budget-Horrorthriller, ein typischer, von "Sieben" und "Saw" inspirierter Folterfilm, in dem ein religiös verwirrter Irrer unkeusche Opfer von der Straße entführt und ihnen in seinem klaustrophobischen Folterkellerchen zum Beispiel die Zunge zerschneidet oder die Hoden zermalmt. In detailfreudigen Einstellungen, wie sich versteht. Die Zeit dazwischen schlägt Regisseur Sesma ("Shoot the Hero") tot, in dem er minutenlang handlungsfremde Sportevents oder Partytänze dokumentiert. Danny Trejo ("Machete") schaut auf ein kurzes Cameo herein.
Following leads through internet party blogs, a struggling high school journalist unknowingly catches the attention of a vicious, online predator who goes by Azrael. Investigating a string of mysterious disappearances in her small town, Isabel and her classmates quickly find themselves at the center of a serial killers bloody crusade against amoral teens on MySpace. Helping her is Zeek, her only true friend, as they begin to unravel the twisted web of set ups and sabotage that the elusive Azrael seems to mastermind with ease. But when Det. Ramirez, Old Springs Valley answer for law enforcement, enters the twisted plot, Isabel is forced to realize that she might be in over her head. And luckily for her Zeek is there to console her as she comes to grips with the realization of Azraels scheme, the death of her friends and the naivety of first love. Isabels journey of self discovery comes to an action packed climax of twisted revenge, morbid obsessions and heroic endings with a not to be ...
Following leads through internet party blogs, a struggling high school journalist unknowingly catches the attention of a vicious, online predator who goes by Azrael. Investigating a string of mysterious disappearances in her small town, Isabel and her classmates quickly find themselves at the center of a serial killers bloody crusade against amoral teens on MySpace. Helping her is Zeek, her only true friend, as they begin to unravel the twisted web of set ups and sabotage that the elusive Azrael seems to mastermind with ease. But when Det. Ramirez, Old Springs Valley answer for law enforcement, enters the twisted plot, Isabel is forced to realize that she might be in over her head. And luckily for her Zeek is there to console her as she comes to grips with the realization of Azraels scheme, the death of her friends and the naivety of first love. Isabels journey of self discovery comes to an action packed climax of twisted revenge, morbid obsessions and heroic endings with a not to be ...