Open Range - Weites Land
Kevin CostnerSchauspieler:
Kevin Costner, James Russo, Diego Luna, Annette Bening, Robert Duvall, Michael Gambon, Kim Coates, Abraham Benrubi, Peter MacNeill, Julian Richings, Michael Jeter, Dean McDermott, Herb Kohler, Cliff Saunders, Patricia StutzIn den 80er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts weiden die landlosen Cowboys Boss Spearman (Robert Duvall) und Charley Waite (Kevin Costner) ihre stattliche Rinder- und Pferdeherde mit Hilfe des Vormanns Mose und des sechszehnjährigen Button auf den letzten verbliebenen Flächen freien Landes. Dieses Treiben ist dem reichen Rancher Denton Baxter (Michael Gambon) ein Dorn im Auge. Mit Hilfe korrupter Polizeieinheiten und wirtschaftlichem Druck versucht der Dorftyrann den wilden Ranchern beizukommen. Als Baxters Männer Mose und Button übel mitspielen, gehen Spearman und Waite zum Gegenangriff über.
Die große amerikanische Pferdeoper lässt Kevin Costner nicht los. Auch in seiner dritten Regiearbeit nach Oscar-Abräumer "Der mit dem Wolf tanzt" und dem schon weniger gefeierten Endzeitwestern "Postman" singt der Superstar das Hohelied auf den ungebändigten Pioniergeist.
Boss Spearman, Charley Waite, Mose Harrison and Button freegraze their cattle across the vast prairies of the West, sharing a friendship forged by a steadfast code of honor and living a life unencumbered by civilization. When their wayward herd forces them near the small town of Harmonville, the cowboys encounter a corrupt sheriff and kingpin rancher who govern the territory through fear, tyranny and violence. Boss and Charley find themselves inextricably drawn towards an inevitable showdown, as they are forced to defend the freedom and values of a lifestyle that is all too quickly vanishing. Amidst the turmoil, life suddenly takes an unexpected turn for the loner Charley when he meets the beautiful and warm spirited Sue Barlow, a woman who embraces both his heart and his soul.
Boss Spearman, Charley Waite, Mose Harrison and Button freegraze their cattle across the vast prairies of the West, sharing a friendship forged by a steadfast code of honor and living a life unencumbered by civilization. When their wayward herd forces them near the small town of Harmonville, the cowboys encounter a corrupt sheriff and kingpin rancher who govern the territory through fear, tyranny and violence. Boss and Charley find themselves inextricably drawn towards an inevitable showdown, as they are forced to defend the freedom and values of a lifestyle that is all too quickly vanishing. Amidst the turmoil, life suddenly takes an unexpected turn for the loner Charley when he meets the beautiful and warm spirited Sue Barlow, a woman who embraces both his heart and his soul.