Operation Arsenal – Widerstand in Warschau
Robert GlinskiSchauspieler:
Tomasz Zietek, Marcel Sabat, Kamil Szeptycki, Magdalena KolesnikVor dem Krieg waren Rudy und Alek Mitglieder in derselben Pfadfinderorganisation. Dann kamen die Deutschen, überzogen das Land mit Terror, und verboten ihre Organisation. Davon lassen sich Rudy und Alek allerdings nicht lange beeindrucken. Gemeinsam mit Freundin Sofie und einigen Kameraden regruppieren sie sich im Untergrund und versetzen den deutschen Besatzern wiederholt empfindliche Nadelstiche. Doch was wie jugendliche Streiche begann, wird bitterer Ernst, als Rudy von der SS verhaftet wird.
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.