Operation Seawolf
Steven LukeSchauspieler:
Hiram A. Murray, Dolph Lundgren, Frank Grillo, Cody Fleury, Luke Steinborn, Andrew Stecker, Apostolos Gliarmis, Edgar Damatian, Aaron Courteau, Amanda Day, Chase Otus, Casey Pearson, Maggie Dickey, Lori Roovers, David Clobes, Ella DierbergerIn den letzten Tagen des 2. Weltkriegs hofft das Deutsche Reich auf eine Wunderwaffe. Der hochdekorierte Kommandant Hans Kessler erhält den Geheim-Auftrag "Operation See-Wolf": mit den letzten noch verbliebenen U-Booten soll er bis an die US-Küste durchbrechen und New York City mit speziellen Raketen angreifen. Doch die Zerstörer der US-Flotte suchen Kesslers U-Boote bereits.
Hölzerne Kriegsaction mit Trash-Appeal aus ungewohnter Perspektive, mit Frank Grillo und Dolph Lundgren.
During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and soldiers. The German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats were formed together for one desperate last mission – a mission to attack the United States Homeland, known as Operation Seawolf. Captain Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander from both World Wars, is called into service to make one mission a success and help turn the tide of the war.
During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and soldiers. The German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats were formed together for one desperate last mission – a mission to attack the United States Homeland, known as Operation Seawolf. Captain Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander from both World Wars, is called into service to make one mission a success and help turn the tide of the war.