Operation Zucker
Rainer KaufmannSchauspieler:
Senta Berger, Anatole Taubman, Rolf Kanies, Nadja Uhl, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Uwe Preuss, Matthias Dittmer, Jörg Panknin, Paraschiva Dragus, Stefan Rudolf, Gernot Alwin Kunert, Holger Doellmann, Adrian Ernst, Irene Rudolf, Eugen PirvuDie kleine Fee wird in Rumänien von Kinderhändlern gekauft und landet in einem Berliner Club, der von einem Team des LKA observiert wird. Obwohl ihre Arbeit immer wieder behindert wird, gelingt es einer Kommissarin und einer Staatsanwältin schließlich, den Club auffliegen zu lassen, und doch stehen sie am Ende mit leeren Händen da: Das Netzwerk sitzt am längeren Hebel.
TV-Thrillerdrama um Kinderhandel und -prostitution mit Nadja Uhl und Senta Berger als Ermittlerin und Staatsanwältin.
The promise of a better life is pivotal in ten-year-old Fee’s decision to travel from her home in Romania to Germany. But she falls victim to child traffickers and is forced to work as a prostitute in a Berlin sex club. She is freed, however, after a police raid. When commissioner Wegemann takes up this serious case of sexual abuse, there’s a shocking discovery: a respected judge is a customer of the crime ring – and the state attorney helping her is a good friend of the judge. Are the police capable of protecting the young girl? Who can be trusted in this quagmire of lies and corruption? This crime drama addresses serious flaws in our society and their weakest victims: children.
The promise of a better life is pivotal in ten-year-old Fee’s decision to travel from her home in Romania to Germany. But she falls victim to child traffickers and is forced to work as a prostitute in a Berlin sex club. She is freed, however, after a police raid. When commissioner Wegemann takes up this serious case of sexual abuse, there’s a shocking discovery: a respected judge is a customer of the crime ring – and the state attorney helping her is a good friend of the judge. Are the police capable of protecting the young girl? Who can be trusted in this quagmire of lies and corruption? This crime drama addresses serious flaws in our society and their weakest victims: children.