Otroki vo vselennoy
Richard ViktorovSchauspieler:
Misha Yershov, Aleksandr Grigoryev, Vladimir Savin, Vladimir Basov Ml.Eine Weltall-Expedition zur Erschließung neuer Lebensräume führt das Raumschiff "Sarja" auf den Planeten Alpha Kassiopeia. Von diesem, einem der Erde ähnelnden Planeten, haben die Expeditionsteilnehmer einen Hilferuf empfangen. Während einige Mitglieder der Boardbesatzung im Raumschiff bleiben, betreten die anderen den unbekannten Himmelskörper. Dort werden Sie von menschenähnlichen Robotern in ein phantastisches, unterirdisches Reich gebracht, wo Ihnen ewige Glückseligkeit geboten wird. Den Crewmitgliedern ist nicht bewusst, dass sie sich in Lebensgefahr begeben.
Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents
Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents