Panik am roten Fluss
Howard Hawks, Arthur RossonSchauspieler:
John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru, Walter Brennan, Coleen Gray, Harry Carey, John Ireland, Noah Beery Jr., Harry Carey, Jr., Chief Yowlachie, Paul Fix, Hank Worden, Mickey Kuhn, Ray Hyke, Hal Taliaferro, Shelley WintersNach einem Indianerüberfall, bei dem seine Eltern den Tod fanden, wächst der junge Matt in der Obhut des Viehbarons Dunson auf, der ihn wie seinen eigenen Sohn behandelt. Diverse Schicksalsschläge haben aus Dunson einen unerbittlichen Starrkopf gemacht, der weder für sich noch andere Schonung kennt. Als es auf einem entbehrungsreichen Treck wegen Dunsons Eigensinn mehrere Tote und hohe Viehverluste gibt, beteiligt sich Matt an einer Cowboy-Meuterei. Dunson schwört blutige Rache.
Howard Hawks inszenierte 1948 diesen Westernklassiker, der wie kaum ein anderer den Mythos des granitharten, starrköpfigen Rinderbarons zementierte.
Headstrong Thomas Dunson starts a thriving Texas cattle ranch with the help of his faithful trail hand, Groot, and his protégé, Matthew Garth, an orphan Dunson took under his wing when Matt was a boy. In need of money following the Civil War, Dunson and Matt lead a cattle drive to Missouri, where they will get a better price than locally, but the crotchety older man and his willful young partner begin to butt heads on the exhausting journey.
Headstrong Thomas Dunson starts a thriving Texas cattle ranch with the help of his faithful trail hand, Groot, and his protégé, Matthew Garth, an orphan Dunson took under his wing when Matt was a boy. In need of money following the Civil War, Dunson and Matt lead a cattle drive to Missouri, where they will get a better price than locally, but the crotchety older man and his willful young partner begin to butt heads on the exhausting journey.