Paranza - Der Clan der Kinder
Claudio GiovannesiSchauspieler:
Francesco Di Napoli, Artem Tkachuk, Viviana Aprea, Pasquale Marotta, Ciro PellechiaEine Gruppe Teenager treibt sich auf den Straßen der süditalienischen Stadt Neapel herum. Anders als andere 15-jährige Jugendliche sind die Jungen jedoch schwer bewaffnet. Sie sähen Furcht in die Herzen all jener, die sich mit der Mafia anlegen, denn als Schergen der Mob-Bosse ist es ihre Aufgabe, den Wünschen ihrer Auftraggeber stets Folge zu leisten - zur Not auch mit Handfeuerwaffen oder einer AK-47. Am Scheideweg guter und schlechter Taten halten sie das Verbrechen für ihre einzige Chance, es im Leben zu etwas zu bringen, sind sich dabei aber häufig der Konsequenzen ihrer Gewaltakte noch gar nicht richtig bewusst.
Buchverfilmung über eine Gruppe Jugendlicher, die den Verlockungen der Kriminalität erliegen – und schon bald die Konsequenzen zu spüren bekommen.
Six boys race on their scooters through the narrow streets of their Sanità neighbourhood in Naples. They are fearless daredevils, desperate to make money like their role models, and wear designer clothes and the latest sneakers. These 15-year-olds use the city’s rooftops for assault rifle practice. They deal drugs and do not hesitate to use their weapons to take control of the neighbourhood. Their smart leader, Nicola, knows the rules: in order to get his gang into the game and quickly to the top, he challenges one of the old bosses. But whoever is in charge today may well be dead tomorrow. When his girlfriend causes Nicola to be caught between all fronts, he is forced to make a decision.
Six boys race on their scooters through the narrow streets of their Sanità neighbourhood in Naples. They are fearless daredevils, desperate to make money like their role models, and wear designer clothes and the latest sneakers. These 15-year-olds use the city’s rooftops for assault rifle practice. They deal drugs and do not hesitate to use their weapons to take control of the neighbourhood. Their smart leader, Nicola, knows the rules: in order to get his gang into the game and quickly to the top, he challenges one of the old bosses. But whoever is in charge today may well be dead tomorrow. When his girlfriend causes Nicola to be caught between all fronts, he is forced to make a decision.