Passagiere der Nacht
Mikhaël HersSchauspieler:
Charlotte Gainsbourg, Emmanuelle Béart, Noée Abita, Quito Rayon Richter, Ophélia Kolb, Laurent Poitrenaux, Didier Sandre, Lilith Grasmug, Thibault Vinçon, Morgane Portejoie Pinsard, Calixte Broisin-Doutaz, Éric Feldman, Raphaël Thiéry, Zoé Bruneau, Mounir Margoum, Jean-Pierre PetitParis, 1980er Jahre: Elisabeth (Charlotte Gainsbourg), die von ihrem Mann verlassen wurde, ist allein für das tägliche Leben ihrer beiden Teenager Matthias (Quito Rayon Richter) und Judith (Megan Northam) verantwortlich. Sie bekommt einen Job in einer nächtlichen Radiosendung und lernt Talulah (Noée Abita) kennen, eine junge, arbeitslose Außenseiterin, die sie unter ihre Fittiche nimmt. Judith studiert und geht zur Armee, Matthias verliebt sich in Talulah und träumt davon, Schriftsteller zu werden. Elisabeth findet ihren eigenen Weg, vielleicht zum ersten Mal. Sie alle lieben sich, kämpfen miteinander... beginnt ihr Leben neu?
Paris, 1981. The winds of change are blowing on election night and the French storm the streets, elated. But Élisabeth struggles to share the general mood of optimism. Her marriage is coming to an end and she will now have to support her family. She is distraught, and her father and teenage children are worried that her tears simply will not dry. But what if listening to her emotions could help her to start filling the blank page of her future? What if she were to write a letter on a whim to the host of her favourite radio programme? Or invite a homeless girl into her house? What would happen if she were to make the kind of gestures that actually change lives?
Paris, 1981. The winds of change are blowing on election night and the French storm the streets, elated. But Élisabeth struggles to share the general mood of optimism. Her marriage is coming to an end and she will now have to support her family. She is distraught, and her father and teenage children are worried that her tears simply will not dry. But what if listening to her emotions could help her to start filling the blank page of her future? What if she were to write a letter on a whim to the host of her favourite radio programme? Or invite a homeless girl into her house? What would happen if she were to make the kind of gestures that actually change lives?