Payback - Zahltag
Brian HelgelandSchauspieler:
Lucy Liu, Maria Bello, Mel Gibson, David Paymer, William Devane, John Glover, Kris Kristofferson, Gregg Henry, Deborah Kara Unger, Bill Duke, Jack Conley, Mark Alfa, Kwame Amoaku, Justin Ashforth, Len BajenskiEin scheinbar leichter Coup soll den Dieben Porter und Val Resnick das große Geld bringen. Tatsächlich klappt der Überfall wie am Schnürchen. Doch als es daran geht, die Beute zu teilen, begeht Val drei Fehler: Er unterschlägt Porters Anteil, brennt mit dessen Frau durch und versucht sogar, seinen Kollegen zu töten. Kaum wieder auf den Beinen, sinnt Porter auf Rache. Vor allem aber will er sein Geld zurückhaben. Da stört es ihn nicht einmal, daß Resnicks neue Freunde Mafia-Paten sind und sich auch die Polizei schon an seine Fersen geheftet hat...
Original:Point BlankRemake:Payback - Zahltag
Porter is bad, but his neighbours are worse. Street-wise and tough, an ex-marine, he is betrayed by a one-time partner, and shot in the back by his junkie wife. He survives and returns, looking to recover his share from the robbery of an Asian crime gang. The money has passed into the hands of "the Outfit", a slick gangster organisation that runs the city. He has to make his way through a world populated by heroin dealers, prostitutes, sado-masochists, gunmen and crooked cops, a place where torture is a way of life. His only friend is a former employer, a prostitute, and her loyalty is in question, given she now works for the Outfit. He makes good early progress, but then falls into the hands of Fairfax, the crime boss.
Porter is bad, but his neighbours are worse. Street-wise and tough, an ex-marine, he is betrayed by a one-time partner, and shot in the back by his junkie wife. He survives and returns, looking to recover his share from the robbery of an Asian crime gang. The money has passed into the hands of "the Outfit", a slick gangster organisation that runs the city. He has to make his way through a world populated by heroin dealers, prostitutes, sado-masochists, gunmen and crooked cops, a place where torture is a way of life. His only friend is a former employer, a prostitute, and her loyalty is in question, given she now works for the Outfit. He makes good early progress, but then falls into the hands of Fairfax, the crime boss.