Kevin TenneySchauspieler:
Robert Davi, Robert Forster, Wally Taylor, Bert Remsen, Lance Edwards, Hilary Shepard, John Denos, Kyra Stempel, Garth Le Master, Rob Zapple, Neil Summers, Robby Robinson, Sharon Schaffer, Irving E. Lewis, Clyde Talley IIWährend Dr. Dori Caisson mit der Autopsie eines von Polizeikugeln durchsiebten männlichen Leichnams beginnt, traut sie ihren Augen nicht mehr: Alle Schußwunden heilen plötzlich ab, die "Leiche" erwacht zu neuem Leben und erklärt ihr, daß er ein Außerirdischer und ein "PEACEMAKER", ein intergalaktischer Cop sei, der hier den gefährlichsten Mörder seines Planeten erledigen soll ...
Two aliens arrive on Earth trying to kill each other. This is not easy, since they seem to be able to regenerate lost body parts and survive bullet wounds. Both of them happen to meet a young pathologist Dori Caisson, and each alien tells her that he is a peacemaker (an intergalactic cop) and that the other one is a bad guy. Whom can she trust ?
Two aliens arrive on Earth trying to kill each other. This is not easy, since they seem to be able to regenerate lost body parts and survive bullet wounds. Both of them happen to meet a young pathologist Dori Caisson, and each alien tells her that he is a peacemaker (an intergalactic cop) and that the other one is a bad guy. Whom can she trust ?