Per im Glück
Bille AugustSchauspieler:
Esben Smed Jensen, Julie Christiansen, Jens Albinus, Rasmus Bjerg, Anders Hove, Peter Plaugborg, Morten Bjørn, Katrine Greis-Rosenthal, Tommy Kenter, Ole Lemmeke, Tammi Øst, Morten Hauch-Fausbøll, Benjamin Kitter, Sara Viktoria Bjerregaard Christensen, Sophie Marie Jeppesen, Claus FlygareGegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts reist der Däne Peter Sidenius in die Hauptstadt seines Landes. Dort möchte er Ingenieurswesen studieren, unter anderem um sich gegen seinen strengen Vater aufzulehnen. Dort kommt er mit einer reichen jüdischen Familie in Kontakt und verführt die älteste Tochter Jakobe. Kurz darauf wird er damit beauftragt in seiner Heimat ein Großbauprojekt zu leiten. Um das zu realisieren muss er jedoch seinen Stolz überwinden.
On his quest for happiness, Per decides to leave Jutland and an upbringing in a strict religious home. He runs from his family and his patriarch father, and sets sail towards Copenhagen to become an engineer. Parallel to his studies, he works on a visionary energy project based on wind and wave energy, a project so much ahead of its time, tha professors consider him insane and far too self-confident. However, Per’s project becomes a succes and he marries the beautiful Jakobe who is a part of a wealthy Jewish family. One would imagine that Per’s happiness now is made. But Per’s childhood keeps haunting him and his dogmatic family cannot accept his new life. Despite his luck and success, Per is unable to fully cut the strings to his strict religious background, and he now fears that he will repeat his father’s patriarchist behavior.
On his quest for happiness, Per decides to leave Jutland and an upbringing in a strict religious home. He runs from his family and his patriarch father, and sets sail towards Copenhagen to become an engineer. Parallel to his studies, he works on a visionary energy project based on wind and wave energy, a project so much ahead of its time, tha professors consider him insane and far too self-confident. However, Per’s project becomes a succes and he marries the beautiful Jakobe who is a part of a wealthy Jewish family. One would imagine that Per’s happiness now is made. But Per’s childhood keeps haunting him and his dogmatic family cannot accept his new life. Despite his luck and success, Per is unable to fully cut the strings to his strict religious background, and he now fears that he will repeat his father’s patriarchist behavior.