Pizza Pizza - Ein Stück vom Himmel
Donald PetrieSchauspieler:
Vincent D’Onofrio, Conchata Ferrell, Lili Taylor, Julia Roberts, Annabeth Gish, John Fiore, William R. Moses, Adam Storke, Joanna Merlin, Porscha Radcliffe, Gene Amoroso, Sheila Ferrini, Janet Zarish, Louis Turenne, Lauren O'BrienBevor der Sommer zu Ende geht, wollen drei junge Mädchen versuchen, ihren Anteil am Glück zu erobern. Der Sommer geht - jetzt müssen sich die Girls ranhalten bevor die Boys den Touristenort verlassen. In der Pizzeria, in der die drei jobben, scheint jedes der Mädels seinen Traummann gefunden zu haben. Aber der eine will nur heiraten, der andere ist verheiratet und der dritte taugt nicht zum heiraten. Wie soll das gutgehen?
Sisters Kat and Daisy work along with Jojo at the pizza parlour in Mystic, Connecticut. Kat, shortly off to Yale, finds herself drawn to a local architect she is babysitting for, while her more tearaway sister starts dating a guy from the money side of the tracks. Jojo leaves her man at the altar; she loves him but shies away from commitment. Meanwhile the fame of the pizza continues to spread; it seems to contain something almost ..... mystic.
Sisters Kat and Daisy work along with Jojo at the pizza parlour in Mystic, Connecticut. Kat, shortly off to Yale, finds herself drawn to a local architect she is babysitting for, while her more tearaway sister starts dating a guy from the money side of the tracks. Jojo leaves her man at the altar; she loves him but shies away from commitment. Meanwhile the fame of the pizza continues to spread; it seems to contain something almost ..... mystic.