Play - Tödliches Spiel
Bryan BertinoSchauspieler:
Emily Alyn Lind, Barak Hardley, David Michie, Lee Garlington, Natalie Alyn Lind, Audrey Marie Anderson, Todd Stashwick, Spencer List, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Benjamin Stockham, Alexandra Lydon, Colby French, Isabella Murad, Kai Caster, Danny VasquezDrei verschiedene Personen erhalten eine Videokamera von einem Unbekannten. Mit einem schrecklichen Ultimatum: Wenn sie aufhören zu filmen, müssen sie sterben! Dahinter steckt ein blutrünstiger, irrer Clown, der seine ahnungslosen Opfer als Spielfiguren missbraucht. Per Video verfolgt er den Terror, den seine bestialischen Anweisungen auslösen ...
Found Footage erfährt eine neue Dimension, wenn in diesem smart erdachten und zuweilen auch hübsch stylish inszenierten Low-Budget-Horrorfilm gleich mehrere Personen/Gruppen mit laufender Kamera unter echtem Leidenshochdruck in konfrontativer Absicht auf einander losgelassen werden.
The middle class Emmy receives a video camera at home and her husband Tom starts filming. They believe they won a prize from the mall. The college student Beth is alone and bored in the empty campus and also receives a camera. Out of the blue, they are instructed to film and not call the police; otherwise they will die. Meanwhile the unemployed Leonard that lives with his mother receives a clown outfit and make-up and instructions to receive ten thousand dollars. After moments of tension, their lives are tragically entwined. Who is the stranger behind the prank?
The middle class Emmy receives a video camera at home and her husband Tom starts filming. They believe they won a prize from the mall. The college student Beth is alone and bored in the empty campus and also receives a camera. Out of the blue, they are instructed to film and not call the police; otherwise they will die. Meanwhile the unemployed Leonard that lives with his mother receives a clown outfit and make-up and instructions to receive ten thousand dollars. After moments of tension, their lives are tragically entwined. Who is the stranger behind the prank?