Plötzlich Gigolo
John TurturroSchauspieler:
Liev Schreiber, John Turturro, Sharon Stone, Woody Allen, Vanessa Paradis, Sofía Vergara, Allen Lewis Rickman, Michael Badalucco, Aida Turturro, Tonya Pinkins, Aubrey Joseph, Dante Hoagland, Isaiah Clifton, Teddy Bergman, Ness KrellBuchhändler Murray muss seinen Traditionsladen aufgeben. Eine neue Einkommensquelle ist gefragt. Seine Dermatologin erzählt ihm, dass sie von einer Ménage-à-trois träumt - die neue Geschäftsidee ist geboren. Murray, Künstlername "Dan Bongo", und sein Freund, Blumenhändler Fioravante alias "Virgil Howard", steigen ins Rent-a-Man-Business ein - mit "Bongo" als Zuhälter und "Virgil" als "Mann für gewisse Stunden". Zu Problemen kommt es, als der Mann für gewisse Stunden sich in die Witwe eines chassidischen Juden verliebt.
Eine verquere "New York Story" spinnt John Turturro in seiner fünften Regiearbeit, die in der Tradition der frühen Arbeiten von Woody Allen steht. Was als subtiler Callboy-Spaß beginnt, wandelt sich zur unkonventionellen Love Story.
Murray, the bankrupt owner of a bookstore, is forced to close his family business. His dermatologist, Dr. Parker, dreams of having a threesome and would pay a thousand dollars to have one with her friend Selima. Murray then proposes to his friend Fioravante that they start a male prostitution business, with Murray acting as the pimp. However, when Fioravante meets a Hasidic Jewish woman, Avigal, who is the widow of a rabbi, they fall in love with each other. But a Jewish neighborhood patrolman, Dovi, is in love with Avigal too, and might make life difficult for Fioravante and Murray.
Murray, the bankrupt owner of a bookstore, is forced to close his family business. His dermatologist, Dr. Parker, dreams of having a threesome and would pay a thousand dollars to have one with her friend Selima. Murray then proposes to his friend Fioravante that they start a male prostitution business, with Murray acting as the pimp. However, when Fioravante meets a Hasidic Jewish woman, Avigal, who is the widow of a rabbi, they fall in love with each other. But a Jewish neighborhood patrolman, Dovi, is in love with Avigal too, and might make life difficult for Fioravante and Murray.