Pen-Ek RatanaruangSchauspieler:
Ananda Everingham, Lalita Panyopas, Porntip Papanai, Thaksakorn Pradapphongsa, Apinya Sakuljaroensuk, Pornwut SarasinDas thailändische Ehepaar Wit und Dang kehrt für einen Besuch aus den USA nach Bangkok zurück und steigt, vom Jetlag geplagt, in einem Luxushotel ab. An der Bar lernt Wit die junge, verführerische Ploy kennen und lädt sie auf seine Suite ein. Traum und Wirklichkeit beginnen zu verschwimmen.
Thailands talentierteste Regiehoffnung Pen-ek Ratanaruang verknüpft Fantasie und Realität zu einer außergewöhnlichen Mischung aus Beziehungsdrama, Kammerspiel, Thriller und Mysteryfilm.
Every relationship has an expiration date. Every relationship needs its fantasies...some more real than others... A violent death of a relative brings Wit and his wife, Dang, back to Bangkok from America, where they own a Thai restaurant, for the first time in 7 years. As soon as they arrive in Bangkok at 5.30 am. Wit and Dang check into a five-star hotel downtown. Wit finds out that he is out of cigarettes once they are inside the room. He goes down to the lobby bar. After getting his pack of cigarette from the bartender Wit decides to order a cup of coffee and smoke his cigarette there. The girl from the table in the dark corner comes to Wit to ask if she could borrow his lighter. Wit hands her his lighter. Then she asks if she could borrow one cigarette too. The girl sits down and lights up one of his cigarettes and they somehow strike up a conversation. Wit learns that her name is PLOY. This is how our little tale of love and jealousy begins. A highly detailed psychological drama ...
Every relationship has an expiration date. Every relationship needs its fantasies...some more real than others... A violent death of a relative brings Wit and his wife, Dang, back to Bangkok from America, where they own a Thai restaurant, for the first time in 7 years. As soon as they arrive in Bangkok at 5.30 am. Wit and Dang check into a five-star hotel downtown. Wit finds out that he is out of cigarettes once they are inside the room. He goes down to the lobby bar. After getting his pack of cigarette from the bartender Wit decides to order a cup of coffee and smoke his cigarette there. The girl from the table in the dark corner comes to Wit to ask if she could borrow his lighter. Wit hands her his lighter. Then she asks if she could borrow one cigarette too. The girl sits down and lights up one of his cigarettes and they somehow strike up a conversation. Wit learns that her name is PLOY. This is how our little tale of love and jealousy begins. A highly detailed psychological drama ...