Rainer ErlerSchauspieler:
Charlotte Kerr, Wolf Roth, Werner Rundshagen, Bob Cunningham, Anton Diffring, Klaus Dierig, Wilfried Klaus, Claus Ringer, Ilse NeubauerIm Stil einer fiktiven Dokumentation erzählt der Film wie in einem korrupten südamerikanischem Land Plutonium aus einem Kernkraftwerk verschwindet. Eine Reporterin deckt auf, das nicht Terroristen das Plutonium entwendet haben, sondern die Regierung selbst es war, um in den Besitz von Kernwaffen zu gelangen.
Camouflaged as a political suspense documentary, Plutonium demonstrates the theft of highly enriched nuclear material from a Third World Country nuclear power plant - enough for five bombs of the Hiroshima type. Is this material now in the hands of terrorists – or in the possession of a brutal and inhuman dictatorship?
Camouflaged as a political suspense documentary, Plutonium demonstrates the theft of highly enriched nuclear material from a Third World Country nuclear power plant - enough for five bombs of the Hiroshima type. Is this material now in the hands of terrorists – or in the possession of a brutal and inhuman dictatorship?