Pokémon: Arceus und das Juwel des Lebens
Kunihiko YuyamaEinst hat Arceus den Bewohnern von Michina Town einen Teil seiner Macht in Form des Juwels des Lebens gegeben, um ihnen zu helfen. Als es an der Zeit war, diese Macht zurückzugeben, wurde Arceus jedoch betrogen! Jahre später kehrt Arceus voller Zorn zurück, um die gestohlene Macht zurückzuerlangen. Nicht einmal die vereinten Kräfte von Dialga, Palkia und Giratina können Arceus' Zerstörungswut Einhalt gebieten.
Ash und seine Freunde haben sich mit Sheena verbündet und einen Weg gefunden, die Fehler der Vorväter gutzumachen. Es wird eine gefährliche Reise für die Freunde werden, denn selbst wenn sie das Juwel des Lebens zurückgeben können, bleibt abzuwarten, ob sie Arceus rechtzeitig stoppen können!
The Struggle for Time and Space Begins Again...! The legendary Arceus. Long ago Arceus granted a fragment of its awesome power as the Jewel of Life to help Michina in the town's hour of need only to be betrayed when it was time for that power to be returned. After so many years Arceus is about to return to reclaim its power - enraged vengeful and seemingly unstoppable. Not even the combined might of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina can stop Arceus from devastating all existence across multiple dimensions. But Ash and his companions joining forces with their new friend Sheena, may have discovered the only way to redeem that ancient betrayal. Their journey will be both dangerous and uncertain: even if Ash and his friends can set an old wrong right again will there be time to return the Jewel of Life before Arceus destroys everything and everyone they've ever known?
The Struggle for Time and Space Begins Again...! The legendary Arceus. Long ago Arceus granted a fragment of its awesome power as the Jewel of Life to help Michina in the town's hour of need only to be betrayed when it was time for that power to be returned. After so many years Arceus is about to return to reclaim its power - enraged vengeful and seemingly unstoppable. Not even the combined might of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina can stop Arceus from devastating all existence across multiple dimensions. But Ash and his companions joining forces with their new friend Sheena, may have discovered the only way to redeem that ancient betrayal. Their journey will be both dangerous and uncertain: even if Ash and his friends can set an old wrong right again will there be time to return the Jewel of Life before Arceus destroys everything and everyone they've ever known?