Polder - Tokyo Heidi
Julian M. Grünthal, Samuel SchwarzSchauspieler:
Christoph Bach, Arnold Bucher, Nina Fog, Philippe Graber, Julian M. Grünthal, Friederike Kempter, Samuel SchwarzRyuku (Nina Fog), Witwe des Spieleentwicklers Marcus (Christoph Bach), muss auf schmerzliche Art und Weise erfahren, dass die Spiele ihres Mannes lebensgefährlich sind. Denn als ihr Sohn Walterli (Pascal Roelofse) sich an eines der NEUROO-X-Geräte anschließt, wird er in eine digitale Welt eingesaugt, aus der er so schnell nicht wieder entkommt. Und auch Ryuku verstrickt sich bald in der geheimnisvollen Welt von NEUROO-X, die von Rittern, Hexen, Terroristen und Dämonen bevölkert wird. Dabei spielt das sogenannte ROTE BUCH eine große Rolle, ein Gadget, an dem Marcus kurz vor seinem Tod gearbeitet hat: Es soll das ultimative Spieleerlebnis ermöglichen, indem es die geheimen Sehnsüchte der Spieler scannt und in ein Gaming-Szenario verwandelt. Doch wenn die Grenze zwischen Fantasie und Realität verschwimmt, birgt das auch Gefahren.
Science-Fiction-Cyber-Thriller, in dem eine junge Frau sich in einer fantastische Spielwelt verliert.
NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures. The conspiracy psychoses of users are the raw material for the storytelling of NEUROO-X. Marcus, Chief Development Manager of NEUROO-X dies shortly before completion of the RED BOOK. His lover Ryuko finds out that something terrible happened during testing of the game in China, and the deeper she submerges into the secret of NEUROO-X, the more she loses touch with reality. She neglects her son Walter, who logs into the game and disappears into the digital parallel world. The more Ryuko fights the corporation in order to rescue her son, the more she updates the narrative desired by NEUROO-X. Ryuko finds herself in a world full of demons, witches, knights and terrorists.
NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures. The conspiracy psychoses of users are the raw material for the storytelling of NEUROO-X. Marcus, Chief Development Manager of NEUROO-X dies shortly before completion of the RED BOOK. His lover Ryuko finds out that something terrible happened during testing of the game in China, and the deeper she submerges into the secret of NEUROO-X, the more she loses touch with reality. She neglects her son Walter, who logs into the game and disappears into the digital parallel world. The more Ryuko fights the corporation in order to rescue her son, the more she updates the narrative desired by NEUROO-X. Ryuko finds herself in a world full of demons, witches, knights and terrorists.