Jerry HopperSchauspieler:
Charlton Heston, Rhonda Fleming, Jan Sterling, Forrest Tucker, Porter Hall, Henry Brandon, Richard Shannon, Stuart Randall, Lewis Martin1860: Buffalo Bill (Charlton Heston) und Wild Bill Hickock (Forrest Tucker) sollen einen Postkurierdienst über den Kontinent aufbauen. Doch kalifornische Unionsgegner sabotieren den Pony Express und beliefern Indianer mit Waffen. Damit nicht genug: Bill verliebt sich in die Separatistin Evelyn (Rhonda Fleming)…Die historischen Ereignisse sind hier allenfalls dekoratives Begleitmotiv.
Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok join forces to establish a mail route that can get mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, in ten days. Along the way they must battle bad weather, hostile Indians and outlaws intent on robbing the mail and shutting down the entire operation.
Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok join forces to establish a mail route that can get mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, in ten days. Along the way they must battle bad weather, hostile Indians and outlaws intent on robbing the mail and shutting down the entire operation.