Kevin CostnerSchauspieler:
Kevin Costner, James Russo, Giovanni Ribisi, Olivia Williams, Brian Anthony Wilson, Will Patton, Scott Bairstow, Larenz Tate, Peggy Lipton, Joe Santos, Daniel von Bargen, Tom Petty, Roberta Maxwell, Ron McLarty, Todd Allen2013. Amerika ist durch einen Atomkrieg verwüstet. Die Überlebenden kämpfen in weit voneinander liegenden Siedlungen ums bloße Überleben. Der Ex-Vertreter Bethlehem nutzt die allgemeine Gesetzlosigkeit und verbreitet als Anführer einer marodierenden Bande Angst und Schrecken. Hoffnung keimt unter den Menschen erst wieder auf, als ein Briefträger - angeblich im Auftrag der "Wiederhergestellten Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika" - Post verteilt. Eine Revolte gegen Bethlehem bricht los, die immer weitere Kreise zieht...
Als epischen Western im Stile John Fords hat Kevin Costner seine zweite Regie-Arbeit nach "Der mit dem Wolf tanzt" angelegt. In der ebenso komplexen wie spannenden Geschichte um den Neuanfang nach dem Weltuntergang beschwört Costner eindringlich typische US-Werte wie das Recht jedes Einzelnen auf Glück und Freiheit.
In the year 2013 civilization has all but destroyed itself. After a war that decimated the government and most of the population of the United States (possibly the world) people struggle to survive against starvation and rogue groups of armed men. One such group is called the Holnists. This group is bigger than any other and their leader, General Bethlehem, has delusions of ruling the country. A drifter is captured by the group and forced to join. He escapes at the first chance and happens on a mail jeep with a skeleton in it. The skeleton is wearing a postal uniform and the drifter takes it to keep him warm. He also finds a mailbag and starts conning people with old letters. The hope he sees in the people he delivers to changes his plans and he decides that he must help bring the Holnists down.
In the year 2013 civilization has all but destroyed itself. After a war that decimated the government and most of the population of the United States (possibly the world) people struggle to survive against starvation and rogue groups of armed men. One such group is called the Holnists. This group is bigger than any other and their leader, General Bethlehem, has delusions of ruling the country. A drifter is captured by the group and forced to join. He escapes at the first chance and happens on a mail jeep with a skeleton in it. The skeleton is wearing a postal uniform and the drifter takes it to keep him warm. He also finds a mailbag and starts conning people with old letters. The hope he sees in the people he delivers to changes his plans and he decides that he must help bring the Holnists down.