Praying Mantis - Die Gottesanbeterin
Marc LevieSchauspieler:
Lou Broclain, Yann Chely, Sasa Nikolic, Adele Jacques, Hugues Hausman, Michel de Warzee, Serge Swysen, Renaud Boucquey, Samuel Lemaire, Stéphane Shoukroun, Félix Verbist, Ulysse WaterlotSylvia und Julien sind augenscheinlich ein glückliches Paar. Doch der Schein trügt, denn um überleben zu können, muss Sylvia töten. Als nächstes Opfer wird der draufgängerische Patrick erwählt, der schon bald die Nähe der "Gottesanbeterin" zu spüren bekommt.
While driving through the south of Belgium, the violoncellist Julien meets the mysterious and gorgeous Sylvia on the road and he immediately has a crush on her. They move together to his huge house and Julien builds a greenhouse for Sylvia in the field of his real state, where becomes her favorite place. One day, Sylvia has a strange behavior with Julien and asks him to stay alone at home. When Julien leaves the house, she goes to a construction nearby her property and brings to her house the daredevil biker Patrick that is working in the building, playing erotic games with him. When Julien returns home, he surprises the couple having sex and the upset Julien leaves the place, going to the house of his friend and also musician Jean. But Julien is consumed by his passion for Sylvia, and when she tells him that she loves him, he understands her predatory need of life force of her mate.
While driving through the south of Belgium, the violoncellist Julien meets the mysterious and gorgeous Sylvia on the road and he immediately has a crush on her. They move together to his huge house and Julien builds a greenhouse for Sylvia in the field of his real state, where becomes her favorite place. One day, Sylvia has a strange behavior with Julien and asks him to stay alone at home. When Julien leaves the house, she goes to a construction nearby her property and brings to her house the daredevil biker Patrick that is working in the building, playing erotic games with him. When Julien returns home, he surprises the couple having sex and the upset Julien leaves the place, going to the house of his friend and also musician Jean. But Julien is consumed by his passion for Sylvia, and when she tells him that she loves him, he understands her predatory need of life force of her mate.