Primitive - Beware the Evil Within
Benjamin CooperSchauspieler:
Reggie Bannister, Rachel Riley, Bruce Brown, Hester Van Hooven, Matt O'Neill, Mayank Bhatter, Kristin Lorenz, Mike Zehr, Susan Fulton, Philip Colaprete, Gregory Paul Smith, Monty Wall, Brett Worsham, Jeff Ryan, Carl EdgeMaskenbildner Martin ist neuerdings extrem leicht reizbar. Erst kürzlich hat er seinem Regisseur was auf die Nase gegeben, musste deshalb sogar zur Hypnosetherapie, mit irritierenden Begleiterscheinungen. Nun ist seine Mutter verstorben, und Martin reist mit Freundin Nicole aufs heimische Dorf, die Dinge zu regeln. Dort kommt es zu einer mysteriösen Mordserie. Lauter Leute, die mit Martin Streit hatten oder ihn einfach nur kannten, werden nachgerade zerfetzt. Nicht nur, weil grad Vollmond ist, keimt im Sheriff ein Verdacht.
Moderne "Jekyll & Hyde"-Variante mit einem Hauch von Werwolffilm, hergestellt für ein eher geringes Budget von soliden jungen Hollywood-Handwerkern der dritten Reihe, und in dieser Eigenschaft vermutlich auch echten Horrorfans. Die Effekte inklusive des Monsterkostüms sind handgemacht, die engagierten Darsteller, darunter Reggie Bannister vom Kultfilm "Das Böse" der bekannteste, mühen sich erfolgreich, der blutigen Monstermär Leben einzuhauchen. Für Fans von Fans.
After punching the director on the set of his latest horror picture, special effects makeup artist, Martin Blaine, is compelled to seek anger management therapy. A visit with a hypnotist seems to help, but soon after his session, Martin receives disturbing news. His estranged mother has passed away under mysterious circumstances. Martin returns to Baronville, Pop. 3800, and before long, people begin to drop dead, brutally torn apart by what appears to be a predatory monster. The local Sheriff is convinced Martin is somehow responsible, and Martin himself comes to believe it as all of the victims are connected to him, and all of the attacks correspond with his vivid nightmares. Before long, a man who makes monsters for a living must confront his own inner demon made flesh before it destroys everyone he comes in contact with.
After punching the director on the set of his latest horror picture, special effects makeup artist, Martin Blaine, is compelled to seek anger management therapy. A visit with a hypnotist seems to help, but soon after his session, Martin receives disturbing news. His estranged mother has passed away under mysterious circumstances. Martin returns to Baronville, Pop. 3800, and before long, people begin to drop dead, brutally torn apart by what appears to be a predatory monster. The local Sheriff is convinced Martin is somehow responsible, and Martin himself comes to believe it as all of the victims are connected to him, and all of the attacks correspond with his vivid nightmares. Before long, a man who makes monsters for a living must confront his own inner demon made flesh before it destroys everyone he comes in contact with.