Princess Aurora
Eun-jin PangSchauspieler:
Jeong-hwa Eom, Seong-kun Mun, Oh-jung Kwon, Jong-won Choi, Hyeon-yeong, Yong-geon Kim, Ik-tae Kim, Hyo-jun Park, Hyeong-seong Jang, Seong-bin Park, Ji-su Lee, Ye-jin Choi, Dae-yeon Lee, Pal-yeong Park, Man-sik JeongAls Korea mehrere grausame Morde erschüttern, ermitteln Detective Oh und Partner Jung bereits in jener Mordserie. Der einzige Zusammenhang und Anhaltspunkt liegt in einem an jedem Tatort auftauchendem Kinder-Cartoon – Aufkleber von „Prinzessin Aurora“.
Während alle noch im dunkeln tappen, hat jedoch Detective Oh bereits ein Verdacht wer sich hinter den grausamen Morden verbirgt. Dass es sich dabei um seine attraktive Ex-Frau handelt, behält er zunächst für sich. Währenddessen setzen sich die Gewalttaten stetig fort. Anfangs sieht alles noch nach einem sinnlosen Gemetzel aus, doch bald stellt sich heraus, dass es sich dabei um einen sehr gut geplanten Rachefeldzug handelt...
A woman gets killed in a department store. No one imagines this could lead to serial murders, but two days after the first murder, another homicide occurs. A woman is suffocated to death and the only evidence left at the crime scene is a sticker of the cartoon character "Princess Aurora". A veteran detective OH suspects an attractive and lively woman named JUNG Soon-jung as the murderer. However, he does not tell anyone -not even his partner- that Jung also happens to be his ex-wife. Again and again, the Princess Aurora sticker is found... each with a dead body.
A woman gets killed in a department store. No one imagines this could lead to serial murders, but two days after the first murder, another homicide occurs. A woman is suffocated to death and the only evidence left at the crime scene is a sticker of the cartoon character "Princess Aurora". A veteran detective OH suspects an attractive and lively woman named JUNG Soon-jung as the murderer. However, he does not tell anyone -not even his partner- that Jung also happens to be his ex-wife. Again and again, the Princess Aurora sticker is found... each with a dead body.