Project Silence
Kim Tae-gonSchauspieler:
이선균, 주지훈, 김희원, 문성근, 예수정, 김태우, 박희본, 박주현, 김수안, 하도권, 장광, 최정우, 구성환, 박호산, 문병주, Song You-hyunAufgrund plötzlich sich verschlechternder Wetterbedingungen, ist die Sicht auf einer Flughafen-Brücke kaum mehr möglich. Es kommt zu einen fatalen Unfall und die Brücke droht einzustürzen. Als ob die Gefahrenlage nicht schon bedrohlich genug wäre, bekommen es die Überlebenden anschließend auch noch mit mysteriösen Kreaturen zu tun…
Due to sudden deteriorating weather conditions, visibility on the Airport Bridge is severely impaired, leaving people stranded and at risk of the bridge collapsing due to a series of chain collisions and explosions. Amidst the chaos, the canine subjects "Echo" from the military experiment "Project Silence," who were being transported in secret, break free, and all human survivors become targets of relentless attacks.
Due to sudden deteriorating weather conditions, visibility on the Airport Bridge is severely impaired, leaving people stranded and at risk of the bridge collapsing due to a series of chain collisions and explosions. Amidst the chaos, the canine subjects "Echo" from the military experiment "Project Silence," who were being transported in secret, break free, and all human survivors become targets of relentless attacks.