Adam Kassen, Mark KassenSchauspieler:
Chris Evans, Michael Biehn, Brett Cullen, Marshall Bell, Jack Lee, Brittney Karbowski, Vinessa Shaw, Kate Burton, Mark Kassen, Jesse L. Martin, Roxanna Hope Radja, Erinn Allison, Tess Parker, Justin Anderson, Mark LanierMit unkonventioneller Arbeitsteilung hat das Anwaltsduo Danziger und Weiss, der eine akribischer Streber, der andere genialer Gefühlsmensch, hohes Renommee erworben, als man vom Fall einer Krankenschwester und Jungmutter hört, die sich wie so viele andere tödlich an einer schmutzigen Nadel infizierte. Das hätte nicht sein müssen, weil es längst Nadeln gibt, die solchen Unfällen vorbeugen. Doch um Kosten zu sparen, verweigert die Industrie ihre Einführung. Grund genug für die Anwälte, den Pharmakonzernen mal auf die Finger zu sehen.
Gerichtssaaldrama und Justizthriller nach einer wahren (Skandal-)Geschichte mit klar mehr Drama als Thrill und jener gern vernommenen Geschichte vom David, der sich erfolgreich gegen einen hier mal wieder besonders dreisten Goliath erhebt. Speziellen Reiz erfährt das Unterfangen durch den schillernden Charakter seines nonfiktiven Helden, des koksenden Popstar-Advokaten Weiss. Chris Evans ("Captain America") zeigt in dieser Rolle, dass mehr in ihm steckt als "bloß" der nächste Sommerkino-Superheld. Gute Sache für Anspruchsvolle.
Idealistic lawyers Mike Weiss and Paul Danziger are partners. Mike is a drug-addict and Paul is a family man with a pregnant wife. When nurse Vicky Rogers seeks them out, they learn that she contracted AIDS a couple of years ago when she was accidentally pinpricked with a contaminated needle by a violent patient. Vicky shows a retractable safety needle invented by engineer Jeffrey Matthew Dancort, who owns the Safety Point Company, but is unable to sell his product to any hospital from the United Medical group, apart from San Antonio Memorial. Danziger and Weiss accept the case and go to court against United Medical, defended by powerful lawyer Nathaniel Price. Soon, they see all the doors closed in their fight against the powerful mafia of the medical supply system.
Idealistic lawyers Mike Weiss and Paul Danziger are partners. Mike is a drug-addict and Paul is a family man with a pregnant wife. When nurse Vicky Rogers seeks them out, they learn that she contracted AIDS a couple of years ago when she was accidentally pinpricked with a contaminated needle by a violent patient. Vicky shows a retractable safety needle invented by engineer Jeffrey Matthew Dancort, who owns the Safety Point Company, but is unable to sell his product to any hospital from the United Medical group, apart from San Antonio Memorial. Danziger and Weiss accept the case and go to court against United Medical, defended by powerful lawyer Nathaniel Price. Soon, they see all the doors closed in their fight against the powerful mafia of the medical supply system.