Purple Heart - Wer ist der wahre Feind?
Bill BirrellSchauspieler:
William Sadler, Emilio Rivera, Mel Harris, Ed Lauter, Demetrius Navarro, Russell Gannon, Mary L. Carter, Joseph Aguilar, Icarus the Wonder Dog, Dave Erickson, Charles Fathy, Dennis Hayden, Charlie Parrish, Tulsi Ram, Ric SmithScharfschütze Oscar Padilla wurde ausgebildet, um als Mitglied einer supergeheimen Spezialtruppe in den Irak einzusickern und Attentate zu verüben. Das war vor 2003 und ging gehörig in die Hose. Nun ist der im Zuge des Einsatzes massiv traumatisierte (weil vom irakischen Geheimdienst bis zum Wahnsinn gefolterte) Padilla aus dem Hochsicherheitstrakt des US-Militärpsychiatrie entwichen, in der festen Absicht, seine nunmehr eingebildete Mission zu Ende zu führen. Colonel Allen, der Padilla einst ausbildete, soll ihn aufspüren und stoppen.
Fesselnder Low-Budget-Thriller mit Bezügen zum aktuellen Weltgeschehen, eine kritische Analyse realer militärischer Einsatz- und Ausbildungspraktiken bzw. der dahinter stehenden politischen Mentalitäten im Gewand eines actiongeladenen Unterhaltungsfilms. B-Action-Urgestein William Sadler ("Ritter der Dämonen") demonstriert in der Hauptrolle des Ausbildungsoffiziers schauspielerische Reichweite, doch sein jüngerer Partner Demetrius Navarro ("North by El Norte") spielt ihn mit einer Oscar-reifen Psycho-Performance trotzdem an die Wand.
PURPLE HEART tells of a clean-up effort after a covert mission gone wrong. It is the story of Colonel Allen, the leader of a new, elite military unit designed for covert operations. His first mission: assassinate Saddam Hussein prior to the beginning of the 2003 Iraq War. Sgt. Oscar Padilla is the sniper chosen for the mission targeting Hussein. Unfortunately the mission is compromised; Padilla is captured and tortured by the Iraqis. Later, Padilla is rescued, but is severely damaged by his ordeal. Back in the States, he escapes from the lock down ward of the military hospital where he is being treated. Given what he knows about our illegal attempt at political assassination, he is considered dangerous. As the leader of the unit that trained Padilla and executed the mission, Colonel Allen is sent with specific orders to go find Padilla and "solve the problem" permanently. Allen intends to convince Padilla to come back. The film raises questions about the moral obligations of the use ...
PURPLE HEART tells of a clean-up effort after a covert mission gone wrong. It is the story of Colonel Allen, the leader of a new, elite military unit designed for covert operations. His first mission: assassinate Saddam Hussein prior to the beginning of the 2003 Iraq War. Sgt. Oscar Padilla is the sniper chosen for the mission targeting Hussein. Unfortunately the mission is compromised; Padilla is captured and tortured by the Iraqis. Later, Padilla is rescued, but is severely damaged by his ordeal. Back in the States, he escapes from the lock down ward of the military hospital where he is being treated. Given what he knows about our illegal attempt at political assassination, he is considered dangerous. As the leader of the unit that trained Padilla and executed the mission, Colonel Allen is sent with specific orders to go find Padilla and "solve the problem" permanently. Allen intends to convince Padilla to come back. The film raises questions about the moral obligations of the use ...