Queer Duck: The Movie
Mike ReissSchauspieler:
Jim J. Bullock, Jackie Hoffman, Kevin Michael Richardson, Billy West, Estelle Harris, Mark Hamill, Tim Curry, Andy Dick, Chris Cox, Audrey Wasilewski, Maurice LaMarche, Jeff Bennett, Kevin Chamberlin, Barbara Goodson, Howard HoffmanDas betuliche Leben der schwulen Ente Queer Duck und ihres Lebensgefährten Openly Gator gerät in Aufruhr, als Queer Duck die Broadwaylegende Lola Buzzard trifft, der nichts besseres einfällt, als ihm ihre Hand - sprich: ihren Flügel - anzutragen. Für die Möglichkeit, sein früheres Idol zu heiraten, entschließt sich Queer Duck, der Heterosexualität eine Chance zu geben. Allerdings nicht ohne dafür zu sorgen, dass der schwulenfeindliche Priester Van der Gelding sein Fett abbekommt.
Queer Duck: The Movie is the relentlessly funny, feature-length extension of the animated series Queer Duck, created by frequent The Simpsons scripter Mike Reiss. Sexually scandalous yet sweet, the movie is a cascade of pop-culture stereotypes of gays in America, punctuated by rapid-fire references (as with The Simpsons) to, well, just about everything: classic movies, game shows, Gilbert and Sullivan, Paul Lynde. Hey, there's even a storyline: Queer Duck (voiced by Jim J. Bullock) and his partner of 18 months ("That's a lifetime in gay years"), Harvey Fierstein sound-alike Stephen Arlo "Openly" Gator (Kevin Michael Richardson), hit a relationship crisis when the fey fowl is wooed by a brassy Broadway broad. Queer Duck wonders if he'd be happier being straight. While Gator the waiter spills his problems to a compassionate Conan O'Brien (thanks for the cameo)...
Queer Duck: The Movie is the relentlessly funny, feature-length extension of the animated series Queer Duck, created by frequent The Simpsons scripter Mike Reiss. Sexually scandalous yet sweet, the movie is a cascade of pop-culture stereotypes of gays in America, punctuated by rapid-fire references (as with The Simpsons) to, well, just about everything: classic movies, game shows, Gilbert and Sullivan, Paul Lynde. Hey, there's even a storyline: Queer Duck (voiced by Jim J. Bullock) and his partner of 18 months ("That's a lifetime in gay years"), Harvey Fierstein sound-alike Stephen Arlo "Openly" Gator (Kevin Michael Richardson), hit a relationship crisis when the fey fowl is wooed by a brassy Broadway broad. Queer Duck wonders if he'd be happier being straight. While Gator the waiter spills his problems to a compassionate Conan O'Brien (thanks for the cameo)...