Quill - Ein Freund fürs Leben
Yôichi SaiSchauspieler:
Kaoru Kobayashi, Kippei Shiina, Kazu Matsuda, Yukika Sakuratani, Keiko Toda, Teruyuki Kagawa, Shinobu Terajima, Hiroko Natori, Rafie, Kenji Mizuhashi"Quill" erzählt die Geschichte eines Labrador-Retriever Welpens dessen Leben sich drastisch verändert als er die Seite seiner Mutter verlässt um ein Blindenhund zu werden. Hierzu durchläuft er eine lange Ausbildung bei seinen neuen Adoptiveltern bis er schließlich bereit ist sein neues Herrchen kennen zulernen, das aber zuerst so gar nicht begeistert ist von seinem neuen Helfer . Mit der Zeit wachsen die zwei jedoch zu einem unzertrennlichen Team zusammen.
As a Labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, Isamu and Mitsuko Nii, who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When he grows to an adult dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual 'empathy' and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawada decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Mitsuru Watanabe, but Wanatabe, a lonely and ill-tempered middle aged man, isn't as enthusiastic - he would "would rather sleep than be dragged around by a dog.". From here, the story is narrated by Wanatabe's daughter, Mitsuko, and slowly, Wantanbe is rehabilitated, venturing into the outside world, and learning, not only to trust other humans, but the animal at his side who guides him.
As a Labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, Isamu and Mitsuko Nii, who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When he grows to an adult dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual 'empathy' and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawada decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Mitsuru Watanabe, but Wanatabe, a lonely and ill-tempered middle aged man, isn't as enthusiastic - he would "would rather sleep than be dragged around by a dog.". From here, the story is narrated by Wanatabe's daughter, Mitsuko, and slowly, Wantanbe is rehabilitated, venturing into the outside world, and learning, not only to trust other humans, but the animal at his side who guides him.