Ra.One - Superheld mit Herz
Anubhav SinhaSchauspieler:
Shah Rukh Khan, Arjun Rampal, Kareena Kapoor, Shahana GoswamiComputerspiel-Designer Shekhar ist im Gegensatz zu seinen Kreationen der typische Anti-Held. Auch sein Sohn Prateek findet alles, was er tut echt uncool. Als Shekhar die Chance bekommt, ein neues Spiel zu entwickeln, greift er die Idee seines Sohnes auf und kreiert Ra.One, einen Superschurken. Dieser kann nur durch seinen Gegenspieler G.One, der Shekhar wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten ist, besiegt werden. Doch das Spiel gerät außer Kontrolle: Ra.One entschlüpft der digitalen Welt und macht sich auf die Jagd nach seinem letzten Gegner: Prateek. Shekhar tritt Ra.One als Beschützer seiner Familie entgegen und verliert dabei sein Leben. Von nun an sind Prateek und seine Mutter Sonia auf sich allein gestellt. Wird G.One ihnen zur Seite stehen?
A father trying hard to ‘fit-in’ in his son’s badass world. A son trying hard to ‘dude-up’ his dad from ‘aiiiyyyo’ to ‘Yo!’ And a mother lost in translation between her husband’s ‘ingeva’ and her son’s ‘inn’it!’ While Shekhar was trying every trick in the book to woo his son, get ‘dude-ified’ and ‘up his coolness quotient’ his son had given up on him. Just when the father-son duo hit a deadlock, Shekhar strikes gold when he designs one hell of a game. Finally it all starts falling into place, as the family comes together, only to find themselves in the middle of a crash…not just a hard drive crash but a crash that would drive them to a disaster and make their lives go – KABOOM! All hell breaks loose when – the game that was meant to be played with starts playing them. Ra.one – The next level.
A father trying hard to ‘fit-in’ in his son’s badass world. A son trying hard to ‘dude-up’ his dad from ‘aiiiyyyo’ to ‘Yo!’ And a mother lost in translation between her husband’s ‘ingeva’ and her son’s ‘inn’it!’ While Shekhar was trying every trick in the book to woo his son, get ‘dude-ified’ and ‘up his coolness quotient’ his son had given up on him. Just when the father-son duo hit a deadlock, Shekhar strikes gold when he designs one hell of a game. Finally it all starts falling into place, as the family comes together, only to find themselves in the middle of a crash…not just a hard drive crash but a crash that would drive them to a disaster and make their lives go – KABOOM! All hell breaks loose when – the game that was meant to be played with starts playing them. Ra.one – The next level.