Marvin KrenSchauspieler:
Michael Fuith, Theo Trebs, Anka Graczyk, Emily CoxEin schreckliches Virus vermehrt sich im Norden Europas in rasantem Tempo - die daran Erkrankten werden zu wütenden Bestien. Chaotische Zustände machen sich breit. Aus Angst vor Ansteckung und aggressiven Übergriffen verbarrikadieren sich die noch Gesunden oder flüchten an vermeintlich sichere Orte. Genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt trifft der 35-jährige Michael in Berlin ein, um seine Liebe, seine Ex-Freundin Gabi zu besuchen. Einmal angekommen, bugsiert das Schicksal den 15-jährigen Harper in seine Obhut. Gegenseitig beschützen sie sich und andere vor tobenden Zombies. Dabei ist Michael vordergründig kein Actionheld, vielmehr ein Philanthrop mit stark ausgeprägtem Helfersyndrom - ein Liebender in Zeiten der Zombiekalypse. Doch während die Stadt im Chaos versinkt, fehlt von Gabi jede Spur.
When lovelorn Michael arrives in Berlin to return a set of keys to his ex-girlfriend, Gabi, as an excuse to see her again, he finds her apartment empty save for a couple of plumbers making repairs to the central heating. Just as Michael learns from the plumber’s apprentice, Harper, that Gabi has popped out for a while but will return soon, the apprentice is attacked by his boss who has unexpectedly and inexplicably transformed into a raging madman. Together, Michael and Harper manage to bundle the crazed plumber out of the apartment and barricade themselves safely inside. Within minutes, they find themselves trapped in apartment block under siege from a horde of similarly insane people, apparently hungry for human flesh.
When lovelorn Michael arrives in Berlin to return a set of keys to his ex-girlfriend, Gabi, as an excuse to see her again, he finds her apartment empty save for a couple of plumbers making repairs to the central heating. Just as Michael learns from the plumber’s apprentice, Harper, that Gabi has popped out for a while but will return soon, the apprentice is attacked by his boss who has unexpectedly and inexplicably transformed into a raging madman. Together, Michael and Harper manage to bundle the crazed plumber out of the apartment and barricade themselves safely inside. Within minutes, they find themselves trapped in apartment block under siege from a horde of similarly insane people, apparently hungry for human flesh.