Rang - Die Farben der Liebe
Divya Bharti, Jeetendra, Amrita Singh, Ayesha Julka“Rang” erzählt die Geschichte von zwei Mädchen, die sich beide in den gleichen Mann verlieben. Beide sind gut befreundet und finden eines Tages heraus, dass sie Schwestern sind. Ihre Eltern mußten sich trotz großer Liebe unter dem Druck der Familien vor vielen Jahren trennen. Die beiden Mädchen beschließen Mutter und Vater wieder zu vereinigen. Aber die Frage, wer den Traummann am Ende für sich gewinnen wird, ist immer noch offen.
Yogi Joshi (Kamal Sadanah) is the hardworking middle class student who goes to college with the traditional Pooja (Ayesha Julka), who is the daughter of a single-father. Pooja has been in love with Yogi for quite some time, but Yogi seems to see her as a good friend. Yogi's father (Bharat Kapoor) works at the factory owned by the successful Indu Singh (Amrita Singh). Indu admits her daughter into the same college as Yogi and Pooja. She is a trustee of the college and is assured by the Principal that Kajal is in good hands. Kajal (Divya Bharti) goes to college and tries to park in Pooja's spot, but Pooja cuts her off. The two get in an altercation and to show Pooja how much power Kajal has, she drives her jeep into the corridors of the college and stops right in front of Pooja and her friends, including Yogi.
Yogi Joshi (Kamal Sadanah) is the hardworking middle class student who goes to college with the traditional Pooja (Ayesha Julka), who is the daughter of a single-father. Pooja has been in love with Yogi for quite some time, but Yogi seems to see her as a good friend. Yogi's father (Bharat Kapoor) works at the factory owned by the successful Indu Singh (Amrita Singh). Indu admits her daughter into the same college as Yogi and Pooja. She is a trustee of the college and is assured by the Principal that Kajal is in good hands. Kajal (Divya Bharti) goes to college and tries to park in Pooja's spot, but Pooja cuts her off. The two get in an altercation and to show Pooja how much power Kajal has, she drives her jeep into the corridors of the college and stops right in front of Pooja and her friends, including Yogi.