Rendezvous in Belgrad
Bojan VuletićSchauspieler:
Jean-Marc Barr, Julie Gayet, Anita Mančić, Марко Јанкетић, Bojan Navojec, Nada Šargin, Leon Lučev, Baki Davrak, Hristina PopovićAls die französische Sängerin Silvie nach Belgrad zu einem Auftritt reist, will sich die von ihrem Mann frisch Verlassene lieber hemmungslos betrinken, was ihr junger Chauffeur dennoch hinreißend findet. Domina Melita hingegen ist schockiert, als ihr vermeintlich reicher Kunde, der amerikanische Diplomat Brian sich als simpler Koch entpuppt. Der türkisch-deutsche Geschäftsmann Orhan wird von einem Zimmermädchen unter den Tisch getrunken und ein kroatischer Tatort-Fotograf erlebt Haarsträubendes, als er seiner Braut am Hochzeitstag ein Geständnis macht.
Romantischer Reigen um Paare aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen im modernen Belgrad - verbunden von melancholischen Liebesliedern.
This is a modern age romantic comedy about the trials to find the right person, in four very different love stories. Initially, Stefan, a young overbearing Belgrade driver who does not believe in anyone or anything, falls in love with Sylvie, French singer, which controlled herself for too long, and now is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and for the first time she will do all that she has always dreaming of. Melita, a frustrated middle-aged woman, who by day works as an organizer of the concert evenings becomes disappointed because her lover, Brian, an American diplomat, in fact, is not the guy that he say he is.
This is a modern age romantic comedy about the trials to find the right person, in four very different love stories. Initially, Stefan, a young overbearing Belgrade driver who does not believe in anyone or anything, falls in love with Sylvie, French singer, which controlled herself for too long, and now is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and for the first time she will do all that she has always dreaming of. Melita, a frustrated middle-aged woman, who by day works as an organizer of the concert evenings becomes disappointed because her lover, Brian, an American diplomat, in fact, is not the guy that he say he is.