Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel 2 - Rudi rennt wieder!
Peter TimmSchauspieler:
Sebastian Koch, Sophie von Kessel, Maurice Teichert, Sina Richardt“Das Ferkel muss sofort hier weg”, poltert der Vater. “Die Frau muss sofort hier weg”, erwidert der Sohn. Thomas Bussmann (alleinerziehend) und Nickel (9 Jahre) rasseln gehörig aneinander als sie entdecken, was sie bislang voreinander geheim gehalten haben. Ein Schwein in der gemütlichen Altbau-Dachwohnung? Das kann nicht sein. Eine neue Frau an Papas Seite? Auf keinen Fall! Männerwirtschaft oder Schweinehaushalt? Auch die Kinderärztin Anja und ihre zwölfjährige Tochter Feli fragen sich, wo sie da hereingeraten sind.
Up to now, Nickel (9) and his single dad Thomas have been managing very well together. Then Nickel goes on a school excursion and brings the little piglet Rudy back with him in his rucksack. Once he´s home, he makes a terrifying discovery: dad has a girlfriend! Worse yet, she´s moved in with him and brought her daughter Felicitas (12) along! Nickel makes a deal with Thomas: if those two stay, then so can Rudy. When life becomes unbearable for Nickel, he flees with Rudy to ‘Porkland’, followed by Feli and pursued by two dumb crooks. It’s the beginning of an adventure that ends in the swamps of the Oder Valley, where Rudi saves the lives of the two children and finds a new home.
Up to now, Nickel (9) and his single dad Thomas have been managing very well together. Then Nickel goes on a school excursion and brings the little piglet Rudy back with him in his rucksack. Once he´s home, he makes a terrifying discovery: dad has a girlfriend! Worse yet, she´s moved in with him and brought her daughter Felicitas (12) along! Nickel makes a deal with Thomas: if those two stay, then so can Rudy. When life becomes unbearable for Nickel, he flees with Rudy to ‘Porkland’, followed by Feli and pursued by two dumb crooks. It’s the beginning of an adventure that ends in the swamps of the Oder Valley, where Rudi saves the lives of the two children and finds a new home.