Rocco und seine Brüder
Luchino ViscontiSchauspieler:
Alain Delon, Annie Girardot, Renato Salvatori, Adriana Asti, Spiros Focás, Katina Paxinou, Alessandra Panaro, Max Cartier, Corrado Pani, Rocco Vidolazzi, Claudia Mori, Enzo Fiermonte, Nino Castelnuovo, Rosario Borelli, Renato TerraNach dem Tod ihres Mannes zieht Rosaria mit ihren vier Söhnen Simone, Rocco, Ciro und Luca aus dem Süden Italiens nach Mailand, wo ihr Ältester Vincenzo bereits lebt. Der zweitälteste Simone versucht sich als Boxer und verliebt sich in die Prostituierte Nina, die ihn jedoch nach kurzer Zeit verlässt. Der idealistische Rocco arbeitet zunächst in einer Reinigung und muss dann seinen Wehrdienst ableisten. Dabei trifft er in einer anderen Stadt Nina und die beiden verlieben sich ineinander. Als Simone davon erfährt, packt ihn die Eifersucht.
Luchino Viscontis meisterhaftes Drama über den Zerfall einer Familie.
The widow Rosaria moves to Milano from Lucania with her 4 sons, one of whom is Rocco. The fifth son, Vincenzo, already lives in Milano. In the beginning, the family has a lot of problems, but everyone manages to find something to do. Simone is boxing, Rocco works in a dry cleaners, and Ciro studies. Simone meets Nadia, a prostitute, and they have a stormy affair. Then Rocco, after finishing his military service, begins a relationship with her. A bitter feud ensues between the two brothers, which will lead as far as murder...
The widow Rosaria moves to Milano from Lucania with her 4 sons, one of whom is Rocco. The fifth son, Vincenzo, already lives in Milano. In the beginning, the family has a lot of problems, but everyone manages to find something to do. Simone is boxing, Rocco works in a dry cleaners, and Ciro studies. Simone meets Nadia, a prostitute, and they have a stormy affair. Then Rocco, after finishing his military service, begins a relationship with her. A bitter feud ensues between the two brothers, which will lead as far as murder...