Rodin: Spy - Agent - Hero
Karen OganesyanSchauspieler:
Svetlana Khodchenkova, Vladimir Mashkov, Tobias Aspelin, Alexander Petrov, Konstantin Lavronenko, Marina Petrenko, Artem Grigoryev, Anastasiya Todoresku, Yan AlabushevDu kannst den Schatten der eigenen Vergangenheit nicht entkommen: 15 Jahre sind vergangen, seitdem Andrej Rodin seine Ausbildung zum Spezialagenten an einer russischen Geheimdienstschule abgeschlossen hat. Kurz darauf hat er jeglichen Kontakt zu seinem Heimatland abgebrochen und ist in Deutschland untergetaucht. Sein Versteckspiel findet ein jähes Ende, als er einen Anruf von seinem tot geglaubten Vater bekommt, der keine guten Neuigkeiten für seinen Sohn hat: Der russische Geheimdienst ist hinter Andrej her und will ihn tot sehen! Getrieben von einem unbändigen Überlebenswillen und dem Wunsch, seinen Vater aufzuspüren, beginnt für Andrej ein Höllentrip durch Europa! Dabei verwickelt er sich immer weiter in ein gefährliches Spionagespiel und kommt den perfiden Drahtziehern hinter dem tödlichen Kommando auf die Spur.
The story is centered on the story of Andrei, who was trained in the special school of the Foreign Intelligence Service 15 years ago, where teenagers were trained from adolescents. In the early 2000s, the project was closed, and the main character has long settled in one of the European cities and no longer recalls Russia. One day he picks up the phone and hears the voice of his father, who was presumed dead. He tells Andrei that the hunt is open for him. He is trying to destroy unknown forces, and he can only run. Andrei is now driven by a desire not only to survive, but also to find his father again. To help the protagonist comes his first love, Masha, who in everything that happens also has her own interest. Andrei is getting deeper into the spy game, not realizing its true scale.
The story is centered on the story of Andrei, who was trained in the special school of the Foreign Intelligence Service 15 years ago, where teenagers were trained from adolescents. In the early 2000s, the project was closed, and the main character has long settled in one of the European cities and no longer recalls Russia. One day he picks up the phone and hears the voice of his father, who was presumed dead. He tells Andrei that the hunt is open for him. He is trying to destroy unknown forces, and he can only run. Andrei is now driven by a desire not only to survive, but also to find his father again. To help the protagonist comes his first love, Masha, who in everything that happens also has her own interest. Andrei is getting deeper into the spy game, not realizing its true scale.