Rogue Warfare 3 - Ultimative Schlacht
Mike GuntherSchauspieler:
Stephen Lang, Will Yun Lee, Chris Mulkey, Bertrand-Xavier Corbi, Jermaine Love, Fernando Chien, Essam Ferris, Rory Markham, Ali Olomi, Jessica Trainham, Gina DeCesare, Mike McKeeDas internationale Special Forces Team um Kommandant Daniel hat den Auftrag der führenden Nationen der Welt, die gefährliche Terror-Organisation Back Mask auszuschalten. Noch immer haben diese eine schmutzige Superwaffe in ihrer Hand. Werden Daniel und sein Team die Bedrohung endlich beenden können?
Im letzten Teil der bildgewaltigen Action-Trilogie kommt es zum finalen Showdown.
The Black Mask Organization coordinates a twisted plot which will devastate the world within the next 36 hours. The TEAM is immediately dispatched again for what will hopefully be the last stand against the ‘Supreme Leader.’ As the clock ticks, so does the bomb and they need to strike back at the very core of the terrorist group. The team must throw their lives on the line as it’s the only way to deactivate the dangerous weapons which are set to explode across the world at the same time. Each soldier must find his inner strength and skill to disarm this terrorist group once and for all.
The Black Mask Organization coordinates a twisted plot which will devastate the world within the next 36 hours. The TEAM is immediately dispatched again for what will hopefully be the last stand against the ‘Supreme Leader.’ As the clock ticks, so does the bomb and they need to strike back at the very core of the terrorist group. The team must throw their lives on the line as it’s the only way to deactivate the dangerous weapons which are set to explode across the world at the same time. Each soldier must find his inner strength and skill to disarm this terrorist group once and for all.